Topic: Basic Principles of Historical Science
There are several terms that
use the word history, among them: a teacher of history, civil history, logging
history, historical actors and witnesses of history, as well as historical
researcher and writer of history. So what it's history?
1. Understanding History by Content Standards
(National Curriculum)
History is a branch of science
that examines the origins and development as well as the role of society in the
past based on the specific methods and methodology. Related to education in schools,
knowledge of the past that contains the values of wisdom can be used to train
the intellect, shape attitudes, character and personality of the learner.
2. Understanding History in General
The word history comes from the
Arabic syajarotun which means tree. This word later evolved into the
root meaning, descent, origin, history and genealogy.
In English, the word history is known as history, which comes from the Greek meaning Istoria science. The German word Geschichte history referred to, which means something is happening.
In English, the word history is known as history, which comes from the Greek meaning Istoria science. The German word Geschichte history referred to, which means something is happening.
Historians give meaning or
definition of a variety of history, though in fact almost the same.
Understanding the history from historians,
among others, as follows: "History does not develop toward the front with
a definite purpose, but moves like a high-low perimeter caused by the human
condition." The first historian
Herodotus is known as the Greek world. Therefore, he earned the nickname The
Father of History or the father of his book entitled Mukadimah, it defines the history is
"a record of human society or civilization of the world and about the
changes that occur in the nature of that society."
In a book titled Indonesian
General Dictionary, historical mentioned three terms as follows: (1) Old
literature, genealogy, the origin; (2) Events and events that actually happened
in the past; (3) Science, learning about the events and stories of events that
actually happened in the past.
Introduction In the book History
of Indonesia emphasized the word history means as follows: (1) A number of
changes, events and events in the reality around us; (2) The story of the
changes, events and events that are the reality; (3) Science is in charge of
investigating the changes, incidents and events that is reality.
Kuntowijoyo (1995: 12-17)
mentions the sense of history is as follows:
a. Is the science of human history.
a. Is the science of human history.
Only tells the story of human
history, because: the universe into the study of astronomy; shifts in the earth
in the past is the study of geology; the fossils to study anthropology, and
heritage objects to study archeology.
b. History is the science of time.
Discus the history of development, continuity, repetition and changes in
c. History is the science of something that has social significance.
c. History is the science of something that has social significance.
Not all events are important
for development and change in society. Currently, women who became the creator
of the song was used, but not so with the first woman to be a songwriter.
d. History is the science of something specific,
and detailed one.
History is a certain history,
not in general, because it should be clear. History is the science of the only
(unique) because it had to write the history of the events, places, and the
time it happened only once. History should be detailed (detail) because history
is not limited to big things.

Ismaun (1992: 17-19) mentions
that history as a story is a story drawn from memory, impression, or a human
interpretation of the event or events that occur or take place in the past. In writing story that history, we can read in
history books, magazines, or newspapers. We can hear it verbally in narrative,
discourse, conversations, school history, or from radio and television
broadcasts, it can even be seen in the drama or film.
As a story, it’s nature depending on who is telling. Every human has diverse personality that reflected in what he told. Stories in the history of the apartment by an author can indirectly describe the properties that affect writers, such as personal circumstances, and her social ideals, as well as vocabulary knowledge on the history and environment.
As a story, it’s nature depending on who is telling. Every human has diverse personality that reflected in what he told. Stories in the history of the apartment by an author can indirectly describe the properties that affect writers, such as personal circumstances, and her social ideals, as well as vocabulary knowledge on the history and environment.

Ismaun (1992: 13-17) mentions
that the history of the event is an event, reality, history in concreto
really happened or took place in the past Lead Time. What is happening and is
formed in the past events. Particularly with respect to all the events of human
life including the history of the conversation.
The number of events in the past is not infinite. Imagine how many events on
this earth, since earth was created by a second ago.
Events in the past although it
is not there anymore, impressions (for partial or total) lived imprint in human
memory. But human memory is limited. Humans are generally unable to recall the
entire incident was experienced and he could not ever remember one incident in
full. Because many occasions in the past who "disappeared" and among
the "lost" that most of us have not been able to find again.

Kuntowijoyo (1995: 60-64)
mentions that history as a science has
scientific principles, namely:
a. Empirical history. History is very dependent
on human experience recorded in the document. So, even there is a fundamental difference with the
natural sciences, history similar to the natural sciences because both based on
experience, observation, and absorption. The difference, in the natural
sciences experimental observations can be repeated, while history may not
repeat the experiment.
b. History has object. The difference between a
history with the natural sciences is on
the object. Natural sciences observe the objects being studied human history.
They were not thinking that while human thought and conscience.
c. It has a history of the theory. Just like any
other science, history also has a theory of knowledge. Theories in general
contain a pool's law on basic principles of a science.
d. It has a history of generalization. Just like any other science, history also draws general conclusions.
e. It has a history of the method. For the study, history has its own method of using the observations. History method requires people to be careful and should not draw too bold conclusions without a detailed study.
d. It has a history of generalization. Just like any other science, history also draws general conclusions.
e. It has a history of the method. For the study, history has its own method of using the observations. History method requires people to be careful and should not draw too bold conclusions without a detailed study.

Kuntowijoyo (1995: 67-70)
mentions that history as an art because:
a. History requires intuition or inspiration.
a. History requires intuition or inspiration.
Historians require immediate and instinctive
understanding during the study period. Often happen to choose an explanation,
not a science equipment running but intuition. To get intuition historians have
to work hard with the existing data. This is different to the author's
intuition historians, as historians should be aware of their data.
b. History requires imagination.
b. History requires imagination.
In his work, historian must be able to imagine
what is happening before, and what happens after that. Historians are required
to be able to imagine the rivers, forests, beaches, villages, castles, mosque,
and other places in accordance with the historical events it studies.
c. History requires emotion.
Writers of history should empathize, together
with its object feelings. Historians are expected to present its object as if
the reader has join incident. Writing history with emotion, but faithful to the
facts is essential for the inheritance.
c. History needs a style.

The series of events of human history since human begin until now are events ongoing or continuous. Ruslan Abdul Gani said that the science of history is like a vision of three dimensions: first, seeing into the past, both to the present, and the third to the future (to study history is to study the past to built the future).
Sense of time in this case must
be regarded as an ever moving from the previous period to subsequent periods
and give birth to new events are interrelated so that history will never stop
(stagnant). Science knows the history of the concept of "change
(change)". Development since the existence of human life at the present
time which called evolution occurs very slowly. When the changes take place
quickly and fast called fundamental revolution.
* Pantarei, meaning nothing is changed,
everything is flowing, the community at anytime move and change (Heraclitus).
7. Periodization and Chronology of History
Chronology means in accordance
with the time sequence. Historical events will always take place in the order
of time so that historical events do not happen by jump-jump sequence of time,
or even reversed the order of time (anakronis). Understanding of history that
is anakronis (not chronological) will cause confusion will even make a wrong
understanding of history. Chronology as a basic science study the history of
the chronicle (calendar system) used in various places and various times as
well as translating a calendar system to other calendar systems. It is not easy
because so many calendar systems never apply in different parts of the world by
using a base and a different way of calculation.
Chronicles is the story or
history that is told in chronological order. In Europe in the days of early
Christianity and medieval written many historical works called annal and
chronicles. Proficiency level is based on the history of their times.
Distinguish if the annal is important notes events and usually in short
sentences, then chronicles the events depict a wider audience.
Periodization is the division
of events or stages of a very long past a few times. Preparation of the
periodicity in the writing of history aims as follows:
1. Facilitate the study of History
events of the past are so long and many are grouped, simplified and condensed
into a few periods, making it easier to understand the history.
2. Understanding Events In Chronological History

....... – 400 : Prehistoric Period Indonesia
400 – 1500 : The Age of Hindu-Buddhist influence and growth of Islam
1500 – 1670 : The Age of the Islamic Empire and Start Loading and Expansion of Western Influence VOC
1670 – 1800 : The Conquest by the VOC
1800 – 1811 : The Government of Herman W. Daendels
1811 – 1816 : The Government of Thomas Stamford Raffles (English)
1816 – 1830 : The Commissioner General of the Government and Opposition against the Dutch Colonial Government
1830 -1870 : Cultivation System by Governor General Van den Bosch
1870 – 1942 : Colonial and Liberal Economic System Ethically Politic
1908 – 1908 : The National Movement
1942 – 1945 : The Japanese Occupation
1945 -1949 : Maintaining the Independence Struggle
1949 – 1950 : The Government of RIS
1950 – 1959 : Implementation of the Parliamentary Liberal System
1959 – 1966 : The period of Guided Democracy
1966 – 1998 : The New Order
1998 – present : Reform Era
Awareness is also known as
awareness of the history of the movement. A nation is a social group in terms
of the various terms have a lot of
difference. The formation of a nation due to the similarity of the desire to
make history in the future. For example, the Nation of Indonesia since
prehistoric times has had a similarity history.
Personality and national identity of a nation formed from the overall experience of the history of a nation. Personality of a person or a nation is often said to be unique or distinctive.
Personality and national identity of a nation formed from the overall experience of the history of a nation. Personality of a person or a nation is often said to be unique or distinctive.
History in the form of the
story is often a source of fascinating reading. Iwan Simatupang writers who
record the state of the mid-1960s with the nuances of historical narrative
prologue event G 30 S / PKI 1965.

a. Creates realistic awareness
b. Provide a good lesson
c. Strengthen a sense of nationalism
d. Give firmness identity of a nation's personality
e. Source of inspiration
f. As a means of recreation
Formative TEST
Exercise 1. Multiple Choices
GENERAL Guidance
Choose one of the most appropriate answer! (Score every answer correct is 1)
A. In general, one of the true sense of history is ... .
a. Events and past events that will happen in the future
b. These changes and events that occur every day around us
c. Cer ita or record the story's tent at au ang dupan lives, noble family in the past
d. The study of the events that actually happened in the past
e. Collection of relics or evidence of past events in the form of objects
Answer: d
Exercise 1. Multiple Choices
GENERAL Guidance
Choose one of the most appropriate answer! (Score every answer correct is 1)
A. In general, one of the true sense of history is ... .
a. Events and past events that will happen in the future
b. These changes and events that occur every day around us
c. Cer ita or record the story's tent at au ang dupan lives, noble family in the past
d. The study of the events that actually happened in the past
e. Collection of relics or evidence of past events in the form of objects
Answer: d
2. Where is the sense of
history is right in Kuntowijoyo? History is the science ....
a. human
b. the universe
c. per shift of the earth in the lal u
d. heritage objects
e. human fossils
Answer: a
3. Why is history a science unique? Because of the history ....
a. is common in any human being
b. not limited to big things
c. did not clear when and where the
d. includes all instances in the past
e. mer upakan events that occur only once
Answer: e
a. human
b. the universe
c. per shift of the earth in the lal u
d. heritage objects
e. human fossils
Answer: a
3. Why is history a science unique? Because of the history ....
a. is common in any human being
b. not limited to big things
c. did not clear when and where the
d. includes all instances in the past
e. mer upakan events that occur only once
Answer: e
4. Why is the story of its
history depends on who's telling? One is as a historical narrative indirectly
a. political parties have an interest in the author
b. authors describe the vocabulary knowledge
c. show evidence of the occurrence of events
d. mewak ili ta ci-ideals and expectations of the readers
e. describe personal traits reader
Answer: b
5. What is the history of the event?
a. number of instances in the past an infinite
b. events in the past that no longer exists
c. events that really happened in the past
d. impressions in the minds of people about an event
e. Genesis's in the past is lost from human memory
Answer: c
a. political parties have an interest in the author
b. authors describe the vocabulary knowledge
c. show evidence of the occurrence of events
d. mewak ili ta ci-ideals and expectations of the readers
e. describe personal traits reader
Answer: b
5. What is the history of the event?
a. number of instances in the past an infinite
b. events in the past that no longer exists
c. events that really happened in the past
d. impressions in the minds of people about an event
e. Genesis's in the past is lost from human memory
Answer: c
Exercise 2.
TEST Essay (maximum score of 6)
Following these Questions by Explaining them briefly and accurately!
1. Write down the sense of history as a story! (Maximum score 3)
Following these Questions by Explaining them briefly and accurately!
1. Write down the sense of history as a story! (Maximum score 3)
2. Compare understanding
history as a science with history as art each of the three elements!
Participants in the dik in small groups to
discuss making a timeline mapping or periodization of history in Indonesia and
in books written record of each.
Students individually to find from the library or
from the internet about the history of the sample as a story and events.
Check your answer with the answer key below.
Maximum score is 14 or equal to a value of 100. If your score is above or equal
to 10.5 (value of 75, according to KKM), you are welcome to continue the lesson
to the next module. If not finished, try to learn again the things you have not
Maximum score of 3
- The story of narrative
- Compiled from memory, impression, or a human
interpretation of the event or events that occur or take place in the past.
- Day-to-day is known as a story.
A maximum score of 6
Three of five of the following: History of the
empirical, has a objects (object of study / field of study), theories,
generalizations, and methods (scientific methods)
Three out of four of the following: History requires intuition, imagination, emotion, style, and language.
Three out of four of the following: History requires intuition, imagination, emotion, style, and language.
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