School : Global Islamic Boarding School
Subjects : History
Class / Semester : X / 1
Standards : 1.
Understanding the basic principles of historical science
Competencies : 1.1 Explain the meaning and scope of the
science of history
Time Alocation
: 5 x45 minutes
I. Indicators :
1.1.1Mention understanding the science of history according to the experts
1.1.2 Mention understanding of the scope of history
1.1.3 Explain the historical periodization
1.1.4 Explain the usefulness of history
1.1.2 Mention understanding of the scope of history
1.1.3 Explain the historical periodization
1.1.4 Explain the usefulness of history
II. Learning Objective:
Student able to :

III. Learning Materials
The science
of history according to the experts according to the experts.
History in the view of the figures
o According to Herodotus, history has not evolved to the front with less
definite purpose, but moves like a circle of high and low due to the human
o Ibn Khaldun defined as a record of history or civilization of the world community about the changes in the nature of that society.
o Ibn Khaldun defined as a record of history or civilization of the world community about the changes in the nature of that society.
o R. Moh. Ali says that the history of science in charge of
investigating the changes or events that is reality.
o For Francis Bacon, in contrast to other scientific history because the
history of studying things that range in time and space by using the instrument
as essensialnya.
o In view of Vico, the history of science is the discipline of the first
humans because humans can only understand what has made his own.
o According to Collingwood, history is a science or an answer to questions
about issues of human actions in the past.
o In view Kuntowijoyo, history reveals a diachronic facts (related to the
passage of time), ideographic (explained), unique (contains research that typically
only applies to something at a particular time and place), and empirical
(relying on human experience and deep really).
Understanding the scope of history
- The
history of the event.
- History as
a story.
- History as a science.
- History as
3. Periodization of history
of history is based on the mathematical order of time, but based on the actual
problem or event. According to
Moh. Yamin periodization of history is divided
into Prehistoric Period and Period History. Examples of
historical periodization;
- The period in the century, for example: the 16th century, the 17th, the 17th and so on.
- Periodization by dynasty or king who rules, for example: the Balaputradewa Srivijaya, Majapahit period Hayam Wuruk, China during the Ming Dynasty.
- Periodization by the year of significant events, such as: Indonesia Period of Revolution (1945-1950), Indonesia's New Order period (1966-1998).
- Periodization by schools of thought, for example: Europe during the European Enlightenment and Romanticism
- The period in the century, for example: the 16th century, the 17th, the 17th and so on.
- Periodization by dynasty or king who rules, for example: the Balaputradewa Srivijaya, Majapahit period Hayam Wuruk, China during the Ming Dynasty.
- Periodization by the year of significant events, such as: Indonesia Period of Revolution (1945-1950), Indonesia's New Order period (1966-1998).
- Periodization by schools of thought, for example: Europe during the European Enlightenment and Romanticism
Periodization which is Eropasentrisme grouped into:
a. Ancient
Period I (prehistoric)
b. Antiquity II (age Hindu)
c. Age of Islam
d. Islamic era and the VOC
e. Colonial times (Dutch, English, and Japanese)
f. Age of independence
b. Antiquity II (age Hindu)
c. Age of Islam
d. Islamic era and the VOC
e. Colonial times (Dutch, English, and Japanese)
f. Age of independence
- Periodization by Indonesia's National History
a. Volume I: Prehistoric Period Indonesia
b. Volume II: Ancient Period (early AD-1600 AD)
c. Volume III: The Age of Islam (1600-1800)
d. Volume IV: Century 19 (1800-1900)
e. Volume V: National Revival Period and the end of the Dutch East Indies (1900-1942)
f. Volume VI: The Age of Independence-era Japan and the Republic of Indonesia (1942-present)
5. Benefits / Usefulness of history
Various kinds of uses of history:
- Uses educational (lesson)
- Usability instructive (Teaching)
- Usability Inspiring (Inspiration)
- Usability Rekreatis (Recreation)
b. Volume II: Ancient Period (early AD-1600 AD)
c. Volume III: The Age of Islam (1600-1800)
d. Volume IV: Century 19 (1800-1900)
e. Volume V: National Revival Period and the end of the Dutch East Indies (1900-1942)
f. Volume VI: The Age of Independence-era Japan and the Republic of Indonesia (1942-present)
5. Benefits / Usefulness of history
Various kinds of uses of history:
- Uses educational (lesson)
- Usability instructive (Teaching)
- Usability Inspiring (Inspiration)
- Usability Rekreatis (Recreation)
IV. Learning Methods
V. Learning
Activities :
A. Introduction:
- Teachers say
hello and invite students to pray before starting the learning process (strengthening religious values)
- Conditioning
class: the teacher to prepare classes, attendance, and control the cleanliness
class (kedisiplikan familiarize students in the
- Apperception:
what you know about science history?
- Teachers
motivate students to learn the spirit of (planting
studious attitude) shows the reference books
- The teacher
shows the learning objectives and learning model that will be used
B. Main Activities:
Activity 1 (literature study)
learning materials in the form of several references on the history
individually read the references on the history of the (exploration)
Assignment seeks to understand the meaning of
history and historical view of the figures (intriguing)
Document the findings in the record (communicative, honest, responsibility)
ü Displaying results (elaboration)
ü The questioning is based on the findings of the students' views of
reference and look at examples of historical figures (polite,
respectful opinion)
ü The teacher agreed with the
findings of the students (confirmation)
ü The teacher provides
reinforcement of the sense of history through the additional information
ü The teacher directs students
to take responsibility for returning a borrowed reference to the place
Activity 2 (literature study)
ü Preparing learning materials in the form of several references on
the history
ü Students review the
literature in the library to dig up information about the understanding of the
scope of history (exploration)
ü Students present their literature review that has been found (elaboration)
ü Students create a summary
together with the teachers about the understanding of the scope of the history
of the (confirmation)
ü The teacher provides an
opportunity to ask for between teachers and students (polite,
respectful opinion)
ü The teacher directs students
to take responsibility for returning a borrowed reference to the place
Activity 3 (Discussion)
ü Teachers beginning to explore the potential of students and at the
same time motivating students to speak according to knowledge and experience
relating to the understanding of the chronology / periodicity of
ü Divide the students into two groups (being
ü Group 1 was assigned to search for information related to the
chronology of the history of the (exploration)
ü Group 2 was given the task to create a timeline about the chronology of the history of the (democratic,
ü The discussion of each group is written on the paper width (honest)
ü Then each group presented the results of discussions in class.
ü Each presentation group, giving the group another chance to
respond, ask questions, suggestions, feedback. (Elaboration)
(polite, communicative)
ü Presentation is inseparable from the direction and guidance of
ü The end of each core activity students are asked to make inferences
or vital records (confirmation)
ü The teacher reminds students to be honest, hard work, tolerance,
and democratic during the discussion
Activity 4 (Discussion)
ü Teachers convey an understanding of the benefits of history.
ü In the delivery of these materials, teachers emphasize student
participation to provide the benefits of the assumptions and views history
through discussions in small groups (exploratory)
ü Teachers appoint one
representative to convey the assumption of the group (elaboration)
ü The teacher asks the students to make conclusions based on the
assumption that point acquired (confirmation)
(responsible, courteous, respectful opinion)
ü Before ending process of learning the teacher gives students the
opportunity to ask questions about the material that has not been understood (curious)
ü The teacher reminds students to be honest, hard work, tolerance,
and democratic during the discussion
C. Closing:
Teachers guide students to make conclusions from the results of learning
activities for each student (or reflection)
The teacher asked some students to measure students' understanding of the
material (feedback/quis)
Teachers provide PT / KMTT students create a time line / time line of
periodization of history in Indonesia and studied the subsequent material that
is the tradition in the history of Indonesian society and the script praaksara (applying curiosity, independent, creative).
VI. Learning
- Alfian, Magdalena, dkk. 2003. Sejarah SMA dan MA Kelas X. Jakarta: ESIS.
- Tim Penyususn. 2005. Sejarah Kelas X. Klaten: Cepaka Putih.
- Kasdi, Amunuddin. 2005. Memahami Sejarah. Surabaya: Unipress.
- Mind map
VII. Assessment
v Instrument:
Instrument 1 (oral)
§ Make your family tree, then write your
family history in the form of a bouquet!
Instrument 2 (oral)
§ Analyze and discuss the writing of
history why it can be classified as events, stories, science, and art!
Instrument 3 (assignment-do worksheet)
§ Make a periodization of your life from
birth to date in the form of time line on a piece of paper!
Instrument 4 (oral)
§ Make a bouquet of analysis of the demands
of reviewing and rewriting the history of Indonesia!
v Technical assessment
ü Written test
v Forms of Instruments
Principal History
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NIP/NRK....................... NIP/NRK.......................
I hate history coz boring and hard enough to remind besides we never get "something". But, damn - how could I love historical novel since read Pitoyo due wayang and Nassirun due Penangsang and Damar due Sabdapalon. Wish any teacher could interpret/interfere with any reference though history become a good transcript in learning ourselves. Mostly in getting the wisdom. Any news due Keraton Banjar?
ReplyDeleteMany kind of history,,
ReplyDeleteit;s just one of them,,
if you know it deeply I'm sure you'll get the pleasure and many things from history :))
Best Regard,,
thanks for coming :))